Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Please Share...

This blog was created for people to share their memories of Karen Johnston. (Karen Stautzenberger to many) Karen was a fantastic person, and many are mourning her passing. If you have a favorite memory or story you're willing to share, please take a few minutes to write it here. It's easy to do....just click on "Comments" below, and start typing...


  1. Mrs. Johnston was surely one of a kind. She was one of the greatest teachers and best friends I ever had. She will be missed dearly.

    Taylor Tomlin

  2. :( :( :(.....My prayers go out to her family and friends.

    She was one of the greatest minds, and sweetest people in the history of the world.

    Charlotte Roberts

  3. Mrs. Johnston was an amazing teacher, not only that though she was an amazing friend. There was never anything that i felt that i couldnt go to her about. She was one of those people who would never judge and only help. Always an encouraging word and piece of helpful advice. The things she taught us went far beyond school crirriculum, they were life lessons. She was truly a gift from God and I am honored that I was able to be in her class for my HS years. I can not express how much she will be much i will miss her. My thoughts and prayers are with all of her family and friends and anyone who knew her.
    Becca Clagg

  4. My thoughts and prayers go out to all her family and friends. She was an amazing teacher who was devouted to her students. I remember how much she loved English and wanted each one of us to love it as well. I remember the stories she would tell us about her own life and of how sometimes they would relate to the story we would be reading in her class. Even though she was faced with many challenges she never let her students down. She was always there for us and pushed us along the way to do well in school and in life. I learned so much from her and I know everyone else did too. I will never forget her and will cherish the memories I have of her.

  5. My pray's go out to her family and friends. She was just an amazing person all around, not only did she teach us all english but it was more then that to all of us. She will be extremely missed, but never forgotten!!

  6. Karen was one of the most amazing people I have ever met. Not only as a teacher, but as a friend, daughter, mother, and wife. She handled everything life through at her with a smile, and the grace and beauty that shined through all the difficult times she experienced. She never let it get her down (or at least not for very long). She was an inspiration to us all and her memory will continue to live on and inspire many more after her passing. She definitely made her mark on this world and in many of our hearts.
    Nettie Hensley

  7. Karen always brightened my day no matter how ill she felt. She was a wonderful person who was totally dedicated to her students. Karen suffered many days just to be at school for the students because they needed her. Her dedication will long be remember because she touched many lives throughout her teaching career. It is with great sorrow that we say goodbye to such an inspiration. It is with great joy that we say we knew this remarkable lady. My life if blessed for being her friend.

    Laura Warnix

  8. Karen was a dear friend.She was one of the first to welcome me to a community that she left. We had great times and raised out kids together. She made me laugh and that's a good thing. I will share our times together with friends and family at the funeral. Some things are not meant for print. I love you and will miss you beyond words. Cathy

  9. Mrs. Johnston was an awesome women and teacher. She will be greatly missed by everyone. She inspired all of us to try harder, and did the best to prepare us for college. My thoughts and prayers go out to her family and friends as they have lost a wonderful woman.

  10. Ms. Stautz is what most of us called her during our Elementary and Jr. High years. She was way too cool for a whole last name. She was one of a kind and taught those around her that it was okay to be just that. She was a teacher even when she wasn't standing in front of a classroom full of kids. She had a great sense of humor and a distinctive laugh. She touched many lives, and will certainly be missed.

  11. Karen was one of the first teacher to welcome me to Skidmore_Tynan. She soon became a true friend and mentor. We spent many hours watching our boys play ball together and grow up into fine young men. I learned from her what it means to be truly dedicated to what you believe, in what you are doing and who you are doing it for. THE STUDENTS. She will be missed by many but never forgotten. I can hear her laughter as I write these words and I know that she is at peace and is watching over all of us.

  12. as i sat here thinking of what to type tears came to my eyes, i didnt no what to put so i sat here looking at a blank page. i have never met someone so loved as Mrs. Johnston. she was truly an amazing person. the best teacher you could ever ask for.

  13. Karen, you will never be forgotten from your old Roundup Friends. God will have a special angel helping him. God be with your family and friends.

    Katy Herzog Epperson

  14. Wow... Where do I start about Mrs. Johnston? She was one of the strongest people I have ever met. This world needs more people like her. She was always so encouraging and even at her worst times, she always had a smile on her face. She had this love and passion for her teaching and students that was one of a kind. She was one of a kind. As she loved her students, she often bragged on her husband and sons. She shared many stories about each of them which showed how proud she was to be a part of their lives. They should be very proud.

    Although I dreaded her tests, I loved going to her class just to talk with her. I'll never forget this one day during my junior year when she made a comment to me. If you knew me then, i never put makeup on or fixed myself up. She said... "Brittney, don't you ever want to fix yourself up and put some makeup on? You have so much potential. You're a young lady, so you should dress and present yourself like one." I rarely wore basketball shorts and flipflops to school again and I made sure I had at least eyeliner on when I went to her class :) I loved that she was so straight up and would tell you how she felt and what was on her mind and why.

    During my senior year, I was pregnant and she was one of the few people that I could always confide in when I felt like I was at MY worst. She would always reassure me that I could be somebody someday no matter what situation I was in and to ignore what others would say. Her words of encouragement always brightened my day. She was in the same situation like me when she was my age. (We both found it quite funny that our due dates were the same too)

    Mrs. Johnston even inspired Doug and if you know him, that's pretty hard to do. He shared a story with me awhile back that I was sure to ask her about. When he was a junior, he and Darrell hid a collection of books that they were about to read and did they get caught? ...of course they did. Doug even tried to get out of a senior English paper that could have kept him from graduating but being as kind as she was, she gave him the oppurtunity to do it and graduate after giving him a LONNNG lecture. You don't want to know what she told him but it sure did help :)

    I'm also glad that our son Haiden was able to meet her and see her a few times. She loved little ones by the way. I hope that he'll have teachers like her one day.

    In the end, it has been an honor to have been a part of her life. Like I said before, this world needs more people like her. Mrs. Johnston is now at peace and isn't suffering anymore and I'm sure she's one of the most beautiful angels in heaven. May she rest in peace. We love you and you'll forever be in our thoughts and prayers. JOB WELL DONE!

  15. Karen was a brilliant English teacher, a good friend, and a downright gritty lady. She was a positive force for all of us. She could make you feel good about yourself even when you really didn't deserve to. No matter how bad she physically felt each day, she would be able to pull an off-the-cuff joke that would make you envy her toughness more than you pitied her poor health condition.

    I'm sure Karen has already made her mark in Heaven, even though she's only been there a day. She has probably already organized a Heavenly Book Club, and right about now, she's probably telling a joke to one of the angels that will make him blush.

    Coach Marbach

  16. Mrs. Johnston was a terrific teacher. I really liked going to her class after lunch. She would put fun into learning. I liked how she would be there if you needed help or anything at all. She is most likey taking charge up in heaven right now. You could rely on Mrs. Johnston and to say that about someone you know she was a good one to know. I'm blessed to have known and to have had her as a teacher. She is probably telling her jokes in heaven right now. My thoughts and prayers are going out to her family and I hope them the best. Mrs. Johnston was really special, she was a good freind, a great teacher, and a all together great person.

    Rochelle Lewis

  17. Oh Mrs Johnston!!!! If you knew her, you knew how tough and blunt she could be, But deep inside she was the most amazing teacher and friend I have ever had the joy of knowing. If you didnt know her, You def Missed out. She was the one lady to tell you to work hard. She did what it took to make your brain work hard. She would be the one to yell PDA!! lol.

    When it came to the girls, oh dear. Like in brittany's story, She always told my Senior AP girls that we should always look our best and where makeup and dress up, She wanted us to make sure we always looked beautiful. lol

    She was one of my toughest teachers in high school, but i can honestly say that in that class, i learned the most. I still have my entire binder and work we did my senior year.

    She Is probably yelling at me right now for all of my wrong grammer and such, lol. She was one of the most terrific women that anyone could possibly know.

    You could be in the Ag shop and hear her yelling at someone about something lol

    Mrs. Johnston, You were one of the most amazing women i ever met, You taught me well and I will miss you so very much. You are and will always be the greatest friend any of us will ever know!!!!


    Lilly Parker

  18. Karen's dedication to education and her love of kids is manifested in three boys who came to us 4 years ago from Mexico -- Victor, Ulises, and Ruben. After Karen retired due to illness, she still came to the school regularly just to work with the boys on their English. Don't ever let it be said, in front of Karen, that a kid can't learn! She'd wanna smack us! Her dynamic presence reverberates eternally through the hallways of Pettus High School.

  19. A Tribute to Karen Johnston

    Shakespeare wrote in Romeo & Juliet,” Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow.” Parting with my dear friend Karen is such sweet sorrow because like others who loved her, we mourn her passing from this life because of the hurt that we are feeling, but we also must rejoice in knowing that she is with the Lord, she does not have to suffer from any illness any more, and that we will one day see her again.

    I have had the privilege and honor of knowing Karen and working with her during the time she worked in Pettus ISD and beyond. When I first met Karen, we quickly learned of the passions that we shared which were our love of The Lord, our love of our families, our love of our students, our love of education, and of course, our love of our animals. Karen always shared humorous stories of her greyhound puppies and dogs with me.

    I really do not think that this small opportunity to write in this blog could do justice to all the attributes that I observed in Karen. I know that she came to “school –work” each day with a single- minded purpose and that was to somehow make the lives of her students better whether it be the English that she taught them or the character traits that she helped instill in them. Our kids knew that she meant business, that they could count on her to be there for them, and that they did not want to disappoint her in any way because she held very high expectations for each and every one of them. She would always rejoice in their successes and share in their failures and encourage them when they were down. As stated before, Karen taught with a passion, she loved literature and loved to share in her own unique ways with a perfect blend of knowledge, wit, humor, satire, and yes, sometimes sarcasm. She very quickly built up a rapport with all her students and they very quickly discovered that she loved them and they in turn loved her and STILL DO!

    Over the years, we all saw Karen’s health deteriorate due to her illness. She came to school in great pain some days and even though she seldom complained she would make reference to having good days and bad days. I will never forget the day that Karen came to school sporting her DIVA walking cane as she called it. She would walk down the hallway ever so slowly. I know that it was very hard for Karen to retire from the “kids” and job she loved, but she always put her kids first. She knew that the complications from her illness would not let her give her kids 100% any more, so she bowed out gracefully even though I know that decision broke her heart. After her retirement, she still came to our kids rescue when we needed some “special tutoring” to take place.

    You know the little saying; some people come into to our lives for a reason, a season, and or for a lifetime. Karen was a lifetime kind of friend. Even though there would be times that we may have not spoken to each other for awhile, we could always catch up reminiscing of times gone by, past students, and past successes. I can truly say that God has blessed me by putting such a friend in my life. I pray that God brings peace and comfort into the hearts of her family and friends as we share in this difficult time.

  20. I have hesitated to post anything, because there is just so much in my heart that I'm not sure what to share. The bulk of my memories of Karen are from the years I taught with her in Skidmore. We became very close when my kids were little and her boys were younger. We spent many fun times together, that I probably shouldn't share here-my only comment about those times were that they were A BLAST, just like Karen was.

    Karen had a heart the size of Texsas and a love for literature and her students that was every bit as big. She used to say that elementary teachers and secondary teachers were so different because they went into education for different reasons--elementary teachers are drawn to teaching because they love the KIDS, and secondary teachers tend to be drawn to education because they love the CONTENT of their chosen field of study. For Karen, the two went hand in hand. She loved literature so much--more than anyone I've ever met, I think. As a matter of fact, there were times she'd tell me what she was reading, and I'd say, "Gosh you're weird....who reads THE ODYSSEY for fun?" :-)

    She had a gift for not only understanding classic works, but for having the ability to make the complex ideas interesting, meaningful, and real to young adults. This, I assure you, is no small feat! She used to say that the best feeling in the world was when she could reach a kid with literature and change even a small part of the way they viewed the world. What a gift she was to every single student who crossed the threshold of her classroom! My hope is that every one of them realizes what a privilege it was to have been taught by one of the best.

    I was blessed to have been able to be a bridesmaid in her wedding when she married Bret, and I will never forget how beautiful and in love she was on that day, in that little chapel downtown San Antonio. With Bret, she found the chance to start again, and to walk life's path with her best friend, soul mate, and confidant. She and Bret were perfect for one another. I know that she cherished him with every fiber of her being. He was her rock in hard times....and Lord knows, she was thrown enough of those! The thing about Karen, though, was that no matter how tough it got, she would get right back up and continue in the fight. I hope with all my heart that if I ever have to face half the adversity that life threw at her, I will be able to maintain such strength and dignity.

  21. Part Two (Sorry, I told you I had too much inside!)

    Karen loved her family with her whole heart. As much as she loved literature and her students, if you took that love and magnified it by a hundred, it wouldn't equal the amount of devotion she had for her mom, or for Lyndon and Cody--the lights of her life. Without fail, she stood by them and shared in their joys and tribulations no matter what was going on in her own life.

    Karen Johnston was definitely one of a kind. My biggest regret is that I let our friendship drift. I know it's incredibly selfish, but as my kids got older and I got busier, I just never found the time for her. Her house is right across the street from mine and I never realized that each and every time I pull into my neighborhood, I look toward her house. I look to see if the garage door is up, or if the lights are on, and I wonder if she sees me pulling in. For the past year or so, I would think to myself, "Teresa, you really need to get over there and sit on her couch or back porch and get things where they used to be." But something would always grab my attention away, and I would put it off "till tomorrow." I have learned a valuable lesson in her death. Tomorrow might never come, so it's vital to live every moment like it could be my last. If I could have a "do over" I would be there so much, she'd have to kick me out. I can't have a "do over," though. My prayer and hope is that she can see into my heart right now and she knows how much love I have for her. I can't wait till she greets me at the gates, with a crude joke, her trademark laugh, and a giant hug.

    I love you Karen....and am so sorry....I miss you more than words can say, but I am so very, very grateful for our bond of friendship that was forged so many years ago.

  22. I can hardly breath right now typing this. I have a very hard time with death or loss, this is very overwhelming.
    Karen had a special way of getting what she wanted done.
    When Taylor, my oldest had her she made the class do a TAKS writing assignment and he whined and complained because he thought it was stupid the way TAKS makes you write. She got tired of hearing it and she grabbed him by his collar and told him to *#@!* stop being a baby, he was going to have to do a lot of *#@!* things for stupid people in life so get over it and start the *#@!* assignment. I subbed that day and she stopped me in the hall and told me what happened, she was afraid I would be mad at her and I just patted her on the back and said, "come to my house and do that anytime". If you know Taylor you know that if he thinks something is stupid, he's not going to do it. When Taylor got home I asked about the incident. He smiled and said, "I shut my mouth and did the assignment." Priceless. Not many people can reach a child that way, but it worked for her and the kids loved and respected her for her honesty.
    I know she was very special to Emily, my daughter. Karen just two weeks ago bragged about Emily to me, she was always so impressed that Emily made such wise life decisions. I know Mrs. Johnston made an impact on her and I hope her confidence in Emily continues to help her make wise decisions.
    Karen was one of a kind. I've never known anyone like her. She touched so many lives. I know she knew she was loved, but I'm not sure she knew how much she would be missed. The world needs more people like her...she had fiery passion and was honest to a fault, and loved with all that she had..I wish I could be more like that.
    I am so grateful for knowing her.

  23. what can I say about Mrs. Johnston....its hard to find the right words to pin point her...she was out spoken, right to the point, didn’t care what you thought about her kind of person....but on the other hand she cared if you needed her to...she would of been there when ever you needed someone to talk to...had some advice about something and everything...she loved coming to school to teach "her kids"...I like to think it was cause the senior class of 08...we just made her day...she was only there half the year but we all would skip class when she would show up at school and all the teachers didn’t care...they knew how important she was in our lives...I just wish I could have kept in contact with her after she left school...I’m sure she would have had a lot to say to me...she is truly going to be missed...she was suck a good person and like Brittney said the world needs more people like her...we always new when it was pay day I think it was the 15th...that was very important to her and she would let us know Friday they decorated her cane...she got a kick out of that...she is always going to be in my thoughts and prayers....and so will her family...I only got to know her for 2 years and they got to know them there whole lives...I’m kind of jealous of that

    Bobbi Marie McJunkins

  24. My memories of Karen go way back to our childhood and teenage years growing up in Mathis. She was one of Clay, my brother's best friends. They let me tag along with them on bike rides out to the State Park or to our "Country Club" swimming pool. When I was a freshman and Karen was a junior she looked out for me, it was awesome having her on my side. Years have passed and my brother has been gone for 27 years but whenever I would run into Karen we would enjoy talking about him. Talking to her would make me feel close to him. I am going to miss her. God bless you Karen, tell Clay hi for me.

    Lisa Nelson O'Brien

  25. My thoughts and prayers go out to Mrs. Johnston's family. She was an awesome teacher. I learned alot from her. She would always crack a joke and make someone laugh. She was a strong woman, never showed she was hurting.

    I'll always remember you and you'll always be in my heart. You will be missed by many!! Love and miss you alot!!

    Amber Daughtrey

  26. Wow,okay I don't even know where to start. I wanted to wait to post on the blog until after her funeral because I knew that then this would be so much more real to me... and it definitley is. Mrs. Johnston was such a great person, I don't even think the word AMAZING would even define her. I loved her so much and she is such a huge part of who I am today. It's crazy because when I'm troubled and I don't know who to talk to she always comes to mind, in high school and even today. She was someone who wasn't quick to judge but give you her honest opinion.. and I loved that about her. She could see right through me... and I loved that as well because it seemed no one else could. I absolutley LOVED her class... Brittney and I would even eat lunch in there with her everyday because we would rather spend time with her than other students :) and thats the truth. She constantly made me wrap my head around things that I never had and that was a great adventure and escape for me. I have never wanted to work so hard for a teacher before. None of us wanted to dissapoint her. My small English AP class my junior and senior consisted of about 8 or 9 people who were extremely diverse, she brought us together with our deep conversations about not only literature but LIFE. I will never forget the people in that class and the memories we shared... those were some of the most memorable days of my high school career. She always impressed and inspired me with her great strength and ability to make the best of her days. She talked about death in a comical way to numb the thought we all were dreading. She is extremely dear to my heart and I will always consider her on of my favorite teachers and great friends. She spoke of her husband, sons, mother, and beloved dogs usually on a daily basis we all learned to love them just as she did, only through her stories. I would be glad to help them in anyway if needed because I will never be able to repay the endless love she made me feel. She made us all feel special.Her laugh always made my day and made me laugh, I will never forget her spunky attitude and maybe on day I'll become a teacher and carry on her legacy... that would be something I'd love. Mrs. Johnston was an amazing. I don't know how else to put it. I am very dissapointed to see her go, but I know she is up in heaven making everyone laugh and I know we will meet again. :) Her GARGUDERS will definitley miss her!

    Emily (EM) Tomlin

  27. Oh and one more thing I forgot! This was the only class we actually did'nt want to have a substitute! We wanted Mrs. Johnston! :)) I'll always keep her close to heart!

  28. Wow Im not sure what to say. Even after the funeral I am still in shock! Mrs. Johnston was not only the best teacher but also a friend. You could always go to her with whatever concern you had and trust her to be nothing but honest and helpful. She had a great passion for teaching and living life even on those days when she felt her worst.
    She also had a great love for dogs and talked about them daily. She always had a crazy story to tell us about the dogs. My senior year she asked our AP class if anyone wanted to adopt one hers and Brets greyhounds that was retiring from the race track. I immediately said yes! His name was J's Amazing and funny as it may sound he had much the same personality as Mrs. Johnston. Very sweet, forgiving, honest, and outgoing.
    Mrs. Johnston will be forever remembered and in the hearts of her family, friends, students, and anyone the had the joy of knowing her. She was an absolutely amazing person!

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